How to calculate Fortnight working hours


Since 2016, our Planningify app has made it possible to calculate the hours and salaries of the main work cycles: weekly, monthly and yearly. However, some professions use different systems, such as the fortnight or paramedics.

Several members of the Ambulance Service de France Facebook group requested to be able to enter their working hours per two-week period, in order to be able to automatically calculate their effective working time, their income and wages, the number of night hours, modulation of the number of hours and allowances (IDAJ, allowance for exceeding daily amplitude).

This request has been taken into account, and Planningify (iOS, Android and Windows 10) now fully manages the entry of fortnightly schedules, since June 2021, from version 8.12.1. The option is only available in the full version, and must be enabled in the schedule options.

When enabled, the time entry screen will display fourteen days instead of seven, and all calculations in the “Week” report will be performed over two weeks.


How to activate the Fortnight option?

  • Click on the Planning
  • Click on Menu, then Options
  • Weekly management, choose “2 weeks”
  • Click on Edit


How to see the results?

  • Click on Menu, Reports, then “Week”
  • The total now shows the total over 2 weeks